Home > I'm taking the plunge

I'm taking the plunge

January 5th, 2008 at 11:29 pm

I decided to ruthlessly chop $300.00 a month out of my already low household account expenses. I even went to my ING account, and entered the $300.00 as a transfer to take place on 1/31/08. That will motivate me to make sure the money is available!
I have made up weekly menus, using what is available in the freezer and pantry, and have vowed that I will not shop for anything but absolute essentials. Now, barring Murphy showing up at the door, I will add a few hundred to savings. If this works, I will try again next month for a repeat performance.

The good news is that my husband's missing hearing aids (he's not old, just hard of hearing--he wants that made clear!) showed up after a two week hiatus. They got scooped up into a Christmas light box, along with the bulb protectors for the large, colored, bulbs. When we took down the lights today, and dumped the light protectors on the kitchen counter,to place them back on the lights, what to our wondering eyes should appear, but the missing hearing aids! Those little guys cost a total of four grand, so they were SUCH a welcome sight. My vow to become more organized was certainly fortuitous. Normally, I would have tossed the empty boxes in the trash, and piled the lights in a corner of the basement, never to see the hearing aids again. Life is good!

4 Responses to “I'm taking the plunge”

  1. mom-from-missouri Says:

    Murphy is at our house right now--but I can send him your way!!!
    You got lucky finding the HA!!

  2. nance Says:

    Shoo Murphy out the door, but send him south, not north!
    We got very lucky!

  3. EnglishTeacher Says:

    Wow, I'm glad you found the HA. 4K!!!!

  4. Amber Says:

    Get rid of him but please don't send him south
    I never knew hearing aids were so expensive, glad you found them

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